I spent over a decade working in the mental health field before taking Laurel Elaine Jewelry full time. Those were transformative years for me and mental health is something I'm still passionate about. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to share what I've been doing lately to focus on my own wellbeing as business owner and mom.

Slowing down

The last few months were packed! I went on girls trips with old friends, visited family and even ran a half marathon (now that was hard). In the last few weeks my calendar finally opened up and I made sure keep it that way. I’m using the extra time to rest, rejuvenate and let’s be real: catch up on reality tv.   

Getting organized

This isn’t typically one my strengths, but I’ve been focusing on getting my physical space organized. Whether it is the hall closet, the garage or my studio – I’ve been going through it all and am letting go of what we don’t need. Opening up extra physical space and getting rid of visual clutter has been so helpful for freeing up mental space.

Practicing routines

I’ll just be honest, life right now is chaotic. Just when I think I’m figuring it out, something changes and I have to start again. But I’m taking the time to figure out what kind of flexible routines work best for me and my family so I don’t have to spend extra time and energy planning everything out as I go.

Giving myself grace

I have some big dreams for this business. There are so many ways that I want to grow, not just as brand but also as a business owner myself. With so many more projects and ideas than time, I am giving myself grace when things move slower than I would like. I'm practicing gratitude for where the business is today instead of only looking forward to where I want it to go (trust me, we're going to get there 😉). 

I’d love to hear from you! How do you focus on your mental health or wellbeing? Leave a comment below and let me know.  


  • Shirley said:

    You are truly amazing- this piece touched my heart. How lovely of you to share these personal sentiments with your “family” of laurelelainejewelry.com lovers!

    July 21, 2023

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